Data Transport
Bandwidth – Service offering provides clients with internet bandwidth to sites, data center, or other services. This bandwidth usage would be visible to client at any time via online portal. Bandwidth overages would be automatically billed based on usage from previous month.
Cross Connects – Service offering includes cross connects purchase, installation, and turn up. Media type, end points, and A/Z specified points are tracked at all times to ensure client understanding of cross connects for life of service term. Nuclei will strive to be the quickest to install cross connects in the industry for no expedite fees. It will just be something that we do as a part of being with Nuclei. Process will be automated from end to end: client submits information, system processes length and sends purchase request to cross connect vendor for immediate turnaround, media shows up onsite with ticket information included, site team installs and closes work.
Network Diagram – Service offering will maintain network diagrams for client. This will include interactive tool which allows client and onsite Nuclei team to update diagrams based on installation needs.
IP Management – Service offering will provide IP block management including data base for clients IPs. Data base will provide view to client and Nuclei team to each IP block to ensure IP management is always up to date.